Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Loneliness in Mice and Men essays

Loneliness in Mice and Men essays Essay on Loneliness in the book Of Mice and Man I would say that the whole story is mostly about loneliness. I am sure the author did it on purpose. Even though he wrote about feelings and emotions the characters in the book had, it applies to most ordinary people. Most of us feel lonely sometimes... There was a lot of characters that were lonely in the book. I would start with Lennie because I think he was a kind of a main character in the book. He certainly was lonely, but I am not really sure it made much difference to him, because he was a little bit insane. He didnt have any friends except of George. But he felt that he doesn't sometimes understand what George is talking about. From the book I got the impression that George is more like Lennies father than a friend. Gorge looked after Lennie all the time. Every time Lennie got into some trouble George always helped him out. George was lonely in a certain way too. Lennie wasnt actually Georges equal friend, Lennie was just someone he took care of. He was depending on him, and George knew it. I think he felt that Lennie was a kind of dead-weight for him. Of course he liked him, but they always lost their job, because Lennie had done something. And George just wanted to settle down, have a job and a girl-friend. There were other lonely characters in the book too. Curleys wife, who we mentioned in our previous essay, Crooks and Candy. The other ranch-workers never talked to Crooks, because he was black. They wouldnt event let him go to the bunk-house to play cards with them, because they thought that he stinks. Crooks felt of course miserable and embarrassed. The only thing he could do was to keep himself isolated from all the other people. That was his defence. Candy was old, thats why he was alone most of the time. Together with George and Lennie he dreamed of their own farm. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Study of Suicide by Emile Durkheim

The Study of Suicide by Emile Durkheim Le Suicide  by founding sociologist Émile Durkheim is a classic text in sociology that is widely taught to psychology students. Published in 1897, the book was the first to present a sociological study of suicide, and its conclusion that suicide can have origins in social causes rather than just being due to individual temperament, was groundbreaking at the time. Key Takeaways: Social Integration and Suicide Durkheim concluded that the more socially integrate and connected a person is, the less likely he or she is to commit suicide. As social integration decreases, people are more likely to commit suicide. Overview of Durkheim's Text Suicide offers an examination of how suicide rates at the time differed by religion. Specifically, Durkheim analyzed differences between Protestants and Catholics. He found a lower rate of suicide among Catholics and theorized that this was due to stronger forms of social control and cohesion among them than among Protestants. Demographics of Suicide: Study Findings Additionally, Durkheim found that suicide was less common among women than men, more common among single people than among those who are romantically partnered, and less common among those who have children. Further, he found that soldiers commit suicide more often than civilians and that curiously, rates of suicide are higher during peacetime than they are during wars. Correlation vs. Causation: Suicides Driving Forces Based on his gleanings from data, Durkheim argued that suicide can be a result not only of psychological or emotional factors but of social factors as well. Durkheim reasoned that social integration, in particular, is a factor. The more socially integrated a person is- connected to society, possessing of a feeling of general belonging and a sense that life makes sense within the social context- the less likely he or she is to commit suicide. As social integration decreases, people are more likely to commit suicide. Durkheims Typology of Suicide Durkheim developed a theoretical typology of suicide to explain the differing effects of social factors and how they might lead to suicide: Anomic suicide is an extreme response by a person who experiences anomie,  a sense of disconnection from society and a feeling of not belonging resulting from weakened social cohesion. Anomie occurs during periods of serious social, economic, or political upheaval, which result in quick and extreme changes to society and everyday life. In such circumstances, a person might feel so confused and disconnected that they choose to commit suicide.​Altruistic suicide is often a result of excessive regulation of individuals by social forces such that a person may be moved to kill themselves for the benefit of a cause or for society at large. An example is someone who commits suicide for the sake of a religious or political cause, such as the infamous Japanese Kamikaze pilots of World War II, or the hijackers that crashed the airplanes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and a field in Pennsylvania in 2001. In such social circumstances, people are so strongly integrated into s ocial expectations and society itself that they will kill themselves in an effort to achieve collective goals. Egoistic suicide  is a profound response executed by people who feel totally detached from society. Ordinarily, people are integrated into society by work roles, ties to family and community, and other social bonds. When these bonds are weakened through retirement or loss of family and friends, the likelihood of egoistic suicide increases. Elderly people, who suffer these losses most profoundly, are highly susceptible to egoistic suicide.Fatalistic suicide  occurs under conditions of extreme social regulation resulting in oppressive conditions and a denial of the self and of agency. In such a situation a person may elect to die rather than continue enduring the oppressive conditions, such as the case of suicide among prisoners.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business logistics - Essay Example Zara’s contribution to the European fashion market sales account for a staggering two-thirds of Inditex’ total 9002 Million Euro, of which net profit was 1002 Million Euro.   1.1 THE EXISTING PROCESS AND LOGISTICS OF ZARA A team of designers in Zara is charged with the responsibility of spotting emerging trends in response to consumer demands. Valuable feedback from consumers is received from Store Managers also. The information collected by them on design, outlook and demand is transmitted through a wireless network. These inputs are used by the design Management team to develop the latest products for Zara,  (Sull, and  Turconi, 2008). ... The whole process of design and cutting takes about 10 days. After the prototypes are produced, they undergo a decision process wherein the management decides which of them will go into commercial production. This decision is made on the basis of a special algorithm and the conditions and demands in the market. Generally only about 40% of the prototypes become commercial products for customers. They are then returned to the manufacturing centers to enter the production chain, checked for quality control, and packaging,  (Sullivan, 2005). The ready material is moved to the automated distribution centre in  Arteixo, which is the main Distribution Centre with no storage facility. Logistics models assist the management in assessing the number of batches that should be delivered to the stores twice a week through shipments, which makes sure that the stores are not overloaded and are delivered as per their demands. A fleet of trucks reach out to places with overnight distances and char tered cargo flights are used for larger distances. The company squeezed its shipping models and decided to go with air cargo, so that flights can organize outbound consignment of all company products with return journey loaded with raw materials and half-finished products, (Burt, Dawson, and  Larke, 2003). Fig1: Complete Operations chain of Zara Fashions    Fig2: Outline of operations at Zara SECTION 2   This section presents the  advantages  /  disadvantages, SWOT, PEST analysis of Zara and evaluation of current operations and logistics at Zara.   2.1 Strategic Advantages Being different from traditional retails, its does not outsources its  operations  or products

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Public Relation Strategy Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Public Relation Strategy - Term Paper Example The company’s business line is the provision of greetings cards to the market, specifically traditional, Arabic, and Islamic cards. This business is based on the importance of celebrating traditional, social, economic, and political occasions. Most importantly, traditional celebrations are prioritized due to the fact that they constitute the majority of social celebrations that occur at different times of every year. A public relation strategy comes in handy for the operations of the company, due to the high-level publicity and exposure that the company needs in order to market and sell its products (Wilcox & Cameron, 2011). These products include greetings cards, musical greetings cards, gift boxes, musical gift boxes, and gift wrapping papers. On the same note, all the aforementioned products can be customized or non-customized. In order to facilitate efficient and effective information flow from the company to the public, the company has to understand the nature of the environment within which it operates. This has to consider the target market, competition level, consumer tastes and preferences, public notion on the company’s products, and the most appropriate approach to use towards the public and all other stakeholders factored in the public relation concept. The idea is to create a company image and brand that the public wants to associate with. The public relation strategy for the company is made up of five components, all of which are central to the business operations undertaken by the company. These are: knowing the market, using technology, media relations, social awareness, and monitoring the web (Wilcox & Cameron, 2011). Knowing the market entails identifying the target market. Product definition by the company identifies the target market. All persons who engage in traditional celebrations constitute the target market.  

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Integration of Evidence-Based Practice Into Professional Nursing Practice Essay Example for Free

Integration of Evidence-Based Practice Into Professional Nursing Practice Essay In this paper we will discuss the integration of evidence based practice into professional nursing practice. Scott McSherry (2008) define evidence based practice as the combination of individual, clinical, or professional expertise with the best available external evidence to produce practice that is most likely to lead to positive outcomes for a patient. Despite literature surrounding what evidence based nursing is and isn’t, nurses struggle to get evidence into practice. Many reasons have been reported including a lack of understanding about evidence based nursing means. Scott McSherry (2008) also define evidence based nursing is a process by which nurses make clinical decisions using the best available research evidence, their clinical expertise and patient outcomes. We will also discuss nursing’s simultaneous reliance on and critique of EBP in the context of critical reasoning. There will also be discussion of a study done that examined the effects of integrating evidence based practice into clinical practicum among RN-BSN students and the limitations of evidence based practice and an alternate view of decision making. Lastly we will discuss evidence that challenges the traditional practice regarding injection sites (Cocoman Murray 2010). According to Guem et al. (2010) evidenced based practice is a problem solving approach to clinical care that incorporates the conscious us of the current best available evidence, a clinician’s expertise, and the patient values. Evidence for evidence based practice does not always rely on research findings. Sources used can include research findings, clinical experience, quality improvement data, logical reasoning, recognized authority, and client satisfaction, situation, experience, and value (Leddy Pepper 2008 p. 66). On the contrary evidence based nursing is essential because of its potential to save time and money and improve patient outcomes by decreasing costs, through standardizing and streamlining costs (Scott McSherry 2008). It is important o understand the difference between evidence based practice and evidence based nursing because at times they are used interchangeably. Scott McSherry (2008) state that the nursing practice has welcomed EBP but when it comes to EBN, it is still yet to come reality because the concept is much unsophisticated and can lead to problems associated with its use and misuse. EBN is merely a construct and has yet to be successfully implemented (Scott McSherry 2008). In essence the dilemma with EBN is that we don’t really know the definition of nursing. Although there are problems with the definition we know that clinical judgment is one of the major concepts used in nursing thus it reinforces the notion of EBP and ultimately EBP. To advance the profession and ensure solid standards of practice, we should look beyond evidence based practice, while useful in implementation it is just one of many other component parts (Jutel 2008). Evidence based practice is like the new black in nursing practice and already occupies a prominent position, several international nursing organizations support its use as a strategic action in the advancement of the profession. Despite the emphasis on EBP, there is also a strong opposition to it, not with the actual use of EBP being a problem but with the fundamentals on which it stands. These arguments complain of the veracity of the criteria used in EBP which simultaneously undermines and cannot support EBP (Jutel 2008). If it had not been for the cultural turn which recognized that things are not always as they seem or that power, society, and culture contribute as much as science to generating knowledge, the debate about EBP would have never surfaced (Jutel 2008). Although nurses argue against EBP, they lack important tools necessary to replace EBP. â€Å"Nursing education places high value on authority and adherence to clinical protocols, rather than on skills† (Jutel, 2008. P. 419). Opponents of EBP suggests that development of clinical practice guidelines, critical care pathways, and protocols may actually interfere and entice practitioners to develop somewhat of a cookbook recipe attitude to client care (Leddy Pepper 2010). With quality improvement being rooted in industrial production, perhaps standardization may not be as desirable because patients have unique needs and characteristics the may be overlooked when adhering to strict clinical practice guidelines. Nursing adopts a devoted and somewhat naive trust when assessing information, we are quick to accept the truths of a peer reviewed article, drug company propaganda, and quick to accept an argument on inconsistencies of EBP. The tools EBP claims to own, are incredibly useful, however, are not tools of EBP; they are critical skills of information appraisal. As evidence based practice rapidly replaces the traditional paradigm of healthcare decision making, health care members have an obligation to access knowledge, apply it in practice, and lead others to use it appropriately (Geum et al. 010 p. 387). For example RN-BSN programs; these are adult students who have clinical knowledge and skill, structured background and educational preparation and employment experience but have not taken a formal research course, thus they show less confidence to include evidence based practice in their practices because these are courses that are not common outside a baccalaureate curriculum. To examine the effectiveness of the integration of EBP into a clinical practicum a study was done among Korean RN-BSN students. The main goals were to enhance students’ competencies for EBP knowledge skills and attitudes and to expose students to opportunities that would encourage the use of best evidence (Geum et al. 2008). Each student was instructed to define patients nursing problems for their individually assigned patient and to formulate nursing problems using the EBP question format, PICO, which we discussed earlier in the semester, to select the nursing intervention for the problems posed. Before the EBP practicum, the overall and individual scores for EBP efficacy among RN-BSN students indicated that students were â€Å"a little confident† regarding the EBP process (Geum et al. 2008, p. 389). Results of this study indicate that integration of EBP into an RN-BSN clinical practicum had a positive effect on EBP efficacy and decreased barriers to research utilization among students in Korea, which also corroborates with studies conducted in other countries. Evidence based practice is a learned set of skills thus critical thinking is vital in developing evidence based nursing practice (Geum et al. 2008). Regardless if the evidence on complications, nurses in clinical settings still continue to use and instruct nursing students on the use of dorsogluteal injection sites as the site of choice for intramuscular injections (Cocoman Murray 2010). So, where should an intramuscular (IM) injection be given? Nurses have traditionally used the dorsogluteal, but recent literature has advocated the ventrogluteal site. Choosing sites has been a matter of personal preference, rather than the results of evidence based practice. Slow uptake of medications, major nerves and blood vessels present make this site problematic. A British study suggests â€Å"as previous studies have shown the low efficacy of gluteal intramuscular injections, this route should be avoided for most drugs† (Cocoman Murray, 2010. P. 1171). As the sciatic nerve lies only a few centimeters from the injection site, injuries pose a significant threat, making the need for accurately identifying landmarks especially important. An alternative site is the ventrogluteal, seen by many as the preferred site. This site provides the greatest thickness of gluteal muscle and is free from penetrating nerves and blood vessels (Cocoman Murray 2010). Despite evidence favoring the ventrogluteal site, nurses are slow to use it, relying on the much taught and used dorsogluteal site. â€Å"Studies show that only 12% of American nursing staff uses the ventrogluteal site† (Cocoman Murray 2010. P. 1172). Studies suggest that some reasons the site is not used is because of nurses’ unfamiliarity in locating the site and potential needle stick injury. Unfortunately, nurses have not come to realize that when using the V method, the non injecting hand is to be removed, as it’s only used for visual land marking (Cocoman Murray 2010). Throughout this paper we have discussed the integration of evidence based practice into nursing from various articles. In the various articles the authors talked about evidence based practice compared to evidence based nursing, the integration of evidence based practice in RN-BSN programs. We also discussed the article on a clinical example which suggested that the ventrogluteal intramuscular injection site over the dorsogluteal site is preferred when it comes to positive patient outcomes.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

When I Was Hit by a Car, and then Realized the Importance of Family :: Siblings Personal Narratives Essays

The Importance of Family It is hard to grow up as a young child without getting a few scraps and bruises. Kids are so active and have to have fun and burn off a little bit of energy. Imaginations are key to fun and to life. As a child one must come up with the most unusual games. Children do not realize at their age how important family is and just how much they give up for their child. It was 4 o’clock pm. The sun had just started to go down. Kids are outside playing after school. My brother Jason was in the 8th grade and I was in 3rd. We had another brother that always played with us too, but I guess that day he was currently busy at the time or just did not like the game Jason and I were playing. My brother, Jason, and I had come up with this game. It involved a soccer ball and a few lines and the only thing that really had made the difference, the garage door. We have a three-car garage and the two-car portion was always open when my brothers and I were in the front playing. We had to use the small door that only one car could fit through. It was the perfect size for the goal. Of course the oldest one would always come up with the rules, it itself was an unspoken rule. Jason had come up with some weird and out of this world rules. I do not remember all of them. One that sticks out the most was whoever was the goalie; they had to get the ball if it went onto the street or out of bounds. The ball we had played with was my favorite ball or toy in the world. It had my two favorite colors on it, purple and green. The ball was a size five, I was little so it had to fit me and how I played. I was pretty good at soccer and was a goalie on my school team; every now and then I would play the field. It was my favorite sport and Jason’s as well. He was very good at the sport and much bigger and stronger than I was, I was only 10. I was doing pretty well he would just hit is harder and harder. The traffic that day was at its usual.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

My Hometown in the Vietnam

The Vietnamese proverb ‘dat lanh chim dau’, which means ‘wherever there is good soil, there are flocks of birds coming to settle down†, shows that people tend to move to a place in which they can live and make money in a fairly easy way. Ho Chi Minh City is one of the biggest cities in the south of Vietnam, which provides people with a great number of various jobs; therefore, people from many different parts of the country keep on moving to this city, hoping to find out their ‘paradise’. For those who have been living in this city for a long time, more than 10 years for example, their ‘used-to-be paradise’ is getting worse and worse. Sharing these ‘native’ citizens’ viewpoint, I strongly disagree with the flattering statement that Ho Chi Minh city is a much better place to live today than 10 years ago. Pollution is the first thing that makes Ho chi Minh City a worse place to live in. the layout of Ho Chi Minh City was established only for its five hundred thousand residents more than 100 years ago. Its drainage system has been overbooked to drain for a city of over seven million people nowadays. Consequently, the so-called ‘the pearl of the Far East’ is getting more and more polluted. Water pollution is only part of the pollution facing all the dwellers of this biggest city in Vietnam. The air pollution here is no less serious. Thousands of factories are still located inside this city and keep on releasing poisonous smoke. Various means of transportation, especially millions of motorcycles, do contribute to the ever-increasing air pollution in Ho Chi Minh city. The second thing that makes Ho Chi Minh City a worse place to live in is its high cost of living. Nowhere else in Vietnam do you have to pay such great sums of money just to lead a rather simple and really humble life. Food, public utility, means of transportation, tuition fees accommodation and a variety of private services such as tailoring, hairdressing, renovating, etc. here are all much higher than the so-called standard legal income of the majority of the city dwellers. Consequently, they have to struggle hard to make their two ends meet. They do not usually have time to enjoy themselves. In other words, a great number of these city-dwellers just earn enough money to be physical beings, not emotional or spiritual beings. Its increasing crime and disorder also makes Ho Chi Minh City a worse place to live in today than ten years ago. A number of the city dwellers, especially young illiterate guys of lower social classes, cannot earn their living legally. They allow themselves to rob or steal anything they can to satisfy their needs, irrespective of how serious the consequences of their frightening acts are. It is impossible for anyone who dares to live in Ho Chi Minh City to get rid of the lack of safety and order resulting from the above-mentioned kind of crime. In other words, the city dwellers have to face their fate/destiny every minute in their life. To tell the truth, I was born and grew up in Ho Chi Minh City and I am old enough to witness the tremendous, multifaceted changes and social reforms here. However, I can hardly say that I love my hometown very much because I am afraid that it does not deserve my love. Up to now, I have been trying my best to work hard and lead a simple but respectable life here. I do not dare to break any official law or well-established social rule. And I often jeer sarcastically at myself, saying how foolish I am in such a crazy, disorderly environment. Probably, you do not approve of my pessimistic perspectives; but that is me! †

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Islam is the second religion of the book Essay

Incidentally, the term: â€Å"People of the Book† comes from the Qur’an which cites both Judaism and Christianity, religions which came before Islam, as having part of its origins in the prophet of Abraham. In this, we can see a respect for the other religions; a respect which is lost on the perception of a vocal minority of Muslims and as a result, a perception that Muslims hate all other religions. This is false and dangerous assumption for both sides. Belief in Islam requires that a convert believe in only one God, the revelations which he has given to his people from his angels, his messengers and chiefly, the prophet Mohammad whose writings from 610AD until his death in 632 AD helped to compose the Holy book of Quran. It is a central belief and one that is seen as the most important: That there is no â€Å"God but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet. † This is required of all those wishing to consider themselves Muslims and followers of Mohammad and his teachings. There are an estimated 1. 6 billion Muslims with an annual growth rate which exceeds all other religions in the world. Muslims are spread all over the world but are highly concentrated in the Middle East. Pakistan is the most heavily populated country of Muslims and even America has an estimated seven to ten million Muslims in the country. Muslims believe that the Koran is the literal word of God and was made such by a visitation of the angel Gabriel to the prophet Mohammad. Angels are described in the Koran as: â€Å"messengers with wings. Two or three of four pairs. He adds to Creation as He pleases. † This is a central belief as well as the fact that Mohammad, despite his greatness in the religion of Islam, is not considered a deity of any kind. Neither is Jesus who, despite being highly regarded in the official teachings of the last fourteen centuries, is considered to be only a man and a prophet of God’s, although his greatness is not to exceed that of the prophet Mohammad. God is a central theme of the religion and his is referred to as: â€Å"God, the One and Only: God, the eternal, Absolute, He begetteth not, nor is He begotten; and there is none like unto him. † It is also a central theme of Islam; the Day of Judgment. Similar to the Christian belief in predestination, many Muslims believe that people are predestined as to whether they will enter heaven or enter hell on the Day of Judgment. That is not to say that an individual does not have the freedom to choose, rather that God, from the beginning of time, knows the destination of every person who ever existed, or who will ever exist. In this fervor, the message of a complete submission to God is central as well as to the belief in Islam. Disbelief and a failure to submit to the will of God are one of the main offenses which, according to the Koran, will result in a person, on the Day of Judgment, going to hell. The latter is one of the main appeals that individuals have for Islam as in many countries with a high population of Muslims, the living conditions are less than substandard and people live a very tough existence. Lastly, one of the most important and central teachings of Islam is called the â€Å"Five Pillars of Islam. † There are five major aspects of Islam which individuals are strongly encouraged to observe. The first is belief in Mohammad as the prophet of God and that the words of the prophet which are located in the Koran are the literal word of God. The second is praying in the direction of Mecca, five times a day. The third is the giving of alms or charity to the poor and needy. The fourth is fasting during the month of Ramadan in which one must not eat or drink from dusk to dawn. The last is called the Hajj or a pilgrimage during the fourth Islamic month to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. † The latter will compel millions of Muslims, sometimes two and three million Muslims at a time, to go to Mecca at the same time in order to fulfill their last duty, or pillar of Islam. When asking Mr. Aziz about the importance of the religion of Islam within his own life, he gave a very passionate and informed response. â€Å"In America, there is a great deal of misconception about the religion of Islam and as a Muslim; it is my responsibility to live in a way that would help to dispel those myths. Although not in the same light, nor with the same amount of spotlight, it is similar to the experience that the American boxer, Joe Louis had while he was the Boxing heavyweight champion of the world. His manager was careful not to have Joe Louis portrayed in a way that would add to the misconceived stereotypes about African Americans at that time since the last African America boxer, Jack Johnson, had done the opposite and was shunned by America. † When asked if he has found this to help within his own life; the conception of others about him, his ethnicity and his religion, Mr. Aziz had a mixed response. â€Å"There will always be people who will not change their opinions about the Middle East or Islam. I can’t really help that. However, for three high majorities of people who make the effort to know me, they have sometimes come out and said that they were wrong about Muslims, or at least about me. There is still a hint of racism within such sentiments. However, it is progress. † Mr. Aziz then talked to me about his religion. â€Å"In Islam, there are five pillars which every Muslim is expected to respect and obey these pillars. In no specific order, these five pillars are to travel to Mecca at least once in your life, to give to charity, to pray five times in the day while facing in the direction of Mecca, to fast during the Holy Months and to believe that there are no gods but Allah and that Mohammad is his messenger. The last is the most important and is what helps to connect the more than 1. 6 billions Muslims in more than a hundred countries in the world, each one to the other. It is very important to all Muslims. I have not yet gone to Mecca but I hope to by the end of the decade. I have not always been faithful in the completion of the other four on a daily basis as most people of faith experience a lapse in their faith and devotion. That has happened before. However, I am quick to connect the dots and to separate myself from whatever vehicle is serving as an impediment to my faith. † â€Å"Fasting is also important. During the Holy month of Ramadan, there is to be no eating during sunlight. This is one of the most difficult of the five pillars. The reason to fast is that it will help to bring the believer closer to God through the realization that God is the supplier of everything and that nothing can be done apart from him. We eat his food and breathe his air. We use his sunlight and are stewards of his world. In comparison with God, man is so small and weak. Sometimes people forget that. Fasting helps to remind them. † Mr. Aziz also prays five times a day as well as gives to charity. â€Å"I wake up at 5am and pray then as well as at 8am, noon, four pm and before I go to bed at 9pm. Since I was raised to do this and to adhere to the five pillars, this has become a habit of mine and is not really difficult. I remember as a child, I rebelled a great deal towards this especially since I wanted to stay in bed. It was not until two consecutive years, did I feel its difficulty ease and I began to enjoy it. † It is also important to give to charity. This does not solely mean money. There are many people in the world who are very poor and do not have the money to give. To give to charity, or to give alms, means also to be helpful to one’s neighbor. Whether it is shoveling the snow from an elderly neighbor’s driveway or simply just informing a person at the grocery store that they dropped their purse; these all are examples of charity. † Mr. Aziz also speaks to the importance that his religion has towards his community. â€Å"Even though here in America, there is an estimated three to seven million Muslims, there are very few where I live and no places of worship. One of the reasons for the latter I believe is caused by the beliefs that the people in the surrounding towns have about Muslims and that we are all terrorists. Therefore, there have been many attempts, to diffuse any building plans for a mosque. † How do you feel about that? â€Å"It is discouraging to me but me and fellow Muslims meet in people’s homes in order to worship and pray. It is similar to the 1st century Christians who were barred from worshiping by the Roman authorities or the Jews who during WWII were not allowed to worship either. We are not under the same level of persecution but as these other two groups. However, it still requires some planning. † â€Å"It is my family and friends which help to lay a foundation of faith within my life. There are few Muslims in the surrounding areas. Therefore, the friends that I do have and which practice Islam as well as my family, for more than one reason, provide a structure and foundation for me. This is very important. America does not have the same problem with their Muslim population in comparison to the troubles in Europe because we have assimilated. This is important to a degree. We do not want to become completely Americanized but in the process, love American sports and the traditions that come with this country. † So we are then relegated to worship nearly in private. † It is one of the prices to pay for being a Muslim in America. However, since the majority of American Muslims are doing well in America and enjoy this land, we are content to pay some of that price. We are Muslims first however and Americans second. Just as Christians have as a major aspect of their identity in which it cannot be separated from who they are, the same can be said about Muslims. † â€Å"The societal restrictions towards Muslims in America have eased up. However, as a Muslim in America, I still feel as though I am a foreigner in a country that I immigrated to legally over twenty years ago. America has still given me more opportunities than my homeland. I just look forward to the day when I can be truly being considered an America. If I do not live to see that day, I will be sad but I will remain happy that I have had such a rewarding and blessed life while living in America. † Mr. Aziz still continues to work and to support his family. When asked about the faith of his two daughters, Mr. Aziz comments: â€Å"They are eight and ten years old so they are young, but not too young to understand some of the world around them. I hope that I can keep them from experiencing instances of racism or prejudice. I do not however, that the worst that they receive in America, is still better than what they could have hoped for in Pakistan. That is why I am hesitant to complain too loudly. I am still able to raise my children, along with my wife, in the ways that we choose. This is a great freedom that America has; its religious freedom. I recently watched a documentary on Thomas Jefferson and learned that he was instrumental in creating a foundation of religious freedom that is present in America. This happened more than two hundred years ago. Yet, I am a recipient of such actions even today. It is very amazing to me and I am very appreciative. † â€Å"I am proud to be an American. However, I am also proud to be a Muslim. It seems that in the past few years, especially since 9/11, such sentiments have been seen as an oxymoron. I believe that they are one in the same as America promises religious freedom to all who will practice their religion of choice without breaking the law. This is the great gift that America’s forefathers and all who help to preserve such efforts, to contemporary Americans and all who will follow. It is the effort of every Muslim, not to be swayed by the fleeting morals of a society but to hold firm to the faith and teachings of Islam. This is what I am attempting to do. I have not always been successful and have fallen away from my faith from time to time. It is important, just like with anything in life, that once somebody has fallen short of their personal expectations, to get right back up and to try again. Religious faith is an ongoing process and does not stop while one is alive. † This is my hope and prayer for me and all others who feel that the law can only go so far and that a personal relationship with God is paramount in a person’s life. WORKS CITED Armstrong, Karen Islam: A Short History New York: Random History 2006 Burns, Ken Thomas Jefferson New York: Steeplechase & PBS Films 1997 Miller, James Religions of the World. New York: WW Norton 1987 The Holy Qur’an (2002) New York: Oxford University Press An Interview with Mr. Aziz. Recorded with his permission on November 1, 2007 and Transcribed on November 4, 2007.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


SENTINEL STORY 2 Essay SENTINEL STORY 2 Essay Patrick Larsen Mrs. O’Neill Brit. Lit. 17 November 2014 Faith in Our Lives Faith is defined as confidence or trust in a person, deity, or object of a religion that is not based on proof. You can have faith in many things. Faith in your team to win the state championship game, faith in yourself to become a multi-millionaire businessman, or above all you can have faith in God. Faith has guided me down many different paths in my life. Some paths were good, and some paths were not so good. But no matter what lay at the end of the path, my faith in God has been strong all the way throughout my life. The first time I really saw or felt God in my life was when I was at the park in my neighborhood in Pensacola, FL playing with my neighbors and my siblings. I do not recall what day it was, but what I do remember was that it was a beautiful summer day with a nice steady breeze which was making the trees sway, and the leaves on the ground rustle around my feet. There was nothing special going on that day, just a normal day at the park playing on the monkey bars and what not. But what you may not know about my park is that around the park was an enormous field of grass and a beautiful forest behind the grass. Coming to the conclusion of our fun play day at the park, I was walking my way towards the forest through the grass admiring my surroundings. Once I reached the tree line I saw a bird up in one of the tallest trees looking down at me. Now at this time I was about five or six years old, so I didn’t really understand the whole idea of God and what not but I was learning about it in my school so it was running through my mind. But once I saw this amazing red bird looking down at me I was thinking about who God was and that he had created nature and that is when I realized that God is all around us all the time in what he has created. Though the bird was first time I really knew God and saw him in my life, the time I have known God the strongest was when my parent’s were fighting when I was in the eighth grade. T hey were fighting about my Dad’s alcoholic tendencies and how he was destroying my family, but at the time my father was drunk so he was unaware to what damage him and my mom were doing to my brother and I. During my parent’s terrible fight my brothers and I were crying a lot and praying a lot an really had to fend for ourselves for about a week. At the end of the fight my Dad ended up getting a hotel room and not coming back for about a week. For this whole week my mom was a mess and my dad wasn’t there, I prayed more than I have ever prayed in my life within that week of pain and agony for my family and I. In my prayers I had heard God’s voice many times. The sound of his voice was very soothing and really calmed me down when I heard it. Hearing his voice made me really believe that God was real and with me through all my troubles. Though God is always with us he may not be visibly or vocally present to you. Which is why when God is not visually there f or me or vocally there for me I look to my Grandma to see God. Though my grandma is not Catholic I still see God with in her whenever I look at her. I see God in my grandma because she will do whatever it takes and sacrifice anything for the good and well being of another person. She will always help someone

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Writing Tips Shortening Sentences - Proofread My Papers Blog

Writing Tips Shortening Sentences - Proofread My Papers Blog Writing Tips: Shortening Sentences Brevity is famously the soul of wit, but it’s also highly valued in academia and the business world. Why? Because writing succinctly will help you get your point across clearly, making your work more impactful. Perhaps the simplest way to make your writing more succinct is to shorten your sentences. Handily, we have a few top tips for doing exactly that! 1. Avoid Redundancy â€Å"Redundancy† means using additional words that don’t add anything meaningful to a sentence. The phrase â€Å"twelve midnight,† for instance, means exactly the same thing as â€Å"midnight,† so the â€Å"twelve† is redundant. It’s therefore a good idea to check your sentences for unnecessary words, as cutting these out will make a long sentences shorter. For example: In actual fact, every single nurse worked from 3 am in the morning to twelve midnight. Could be easily rewritten to say the same thing with fewer words: In fact, every nurse worked from 3 am to midnight. Must be why Florence Nightingale always looked so tired. 2. Break Up Long Sentences Sometimes, long sentences are easier to follow if broken down into two or more statements. The following, for instance: Making a sentence too long can be confusing because it is easy to lose track of what was said at the beginning, since they do not give the reader enough time to process what they are reading and by the end of the sentence you might have forgotten where it started! That’s 51 words with barely a pause for breath. It would make sense to break it down into three shorter sentences: Making a sentence too long can be confusing. It is easy to lose track of what was said at the beginning, since they do not give the reader enough time to process what they are reading. By the end of the sentence you might have forgotten where it started! 3. Beware Padding Words Padding words and phrases are things like â€Å"in my opinion† or â€Å"as a matter of fact,† which make a sentence longer but don’t usually add much meaning. Saying â€Å"In my opinion, the political atmosphere is toxic,† for instance, means exactly the same as â€Å"The political atmosphere is toxic.† If you need to shorten a sentence, try looking for padding phrases you could remove. 4. Use the Active Voice We’re often taught to avoid the active voice in academic writing, but sometimes using the passive voice makes sentences unwieldy. For example, the passive sentence: The hypothesis was supported by the results. Could be made a little simpler by using the active voice: The results support the hypothesis. 5. A Final Thought†¦ Using only short sentences can make your writing lack fluency. To make your work engaging, the best thing to do is vary sentence length. You can then save shorter, punchier sentences for when you need to make a forceful point or ensure clarity.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Occupational Therapy Master Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Occupational Therapy Master - Essay Example In the school settings therapists help students with mental or physical or both disabilities and assist them to maximise their skills and abilities to face the 'job of living'. It is important to know how OT can support the children with additional needs and how much support and intervention is necessary. It will also probe the need of customized treatment programmes to improve the abilities, necessity of home/job adaptation and evaluation combined with recommendations, assessment of performance skills and treatment, usage training, equipment adaptation and training to family members, carers, parents, sometimes even to teachers and monitor all the above. It is an important part of disability welfare and recurring research in this field is necessary. The College of Occupational Therapists define it as 'the treatment of physical and psychiatric conditions through specific activities in order to help people reach their maximum level of function and independence in all aspects of daily life'. Report (1990, p.14). "This occupational therapist is now a trained specialist who, through a study of particular aspects of certain sciences, and of practical methods of ability assessment, together with an analysis of the elements of a number of activities and of their value in rehabilitation, guides, under the prescription of the doctor, the occupational treatment of the patients referred to her," Macdonald (1977, p.2). ROLE OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST IN SCHOOL SETTING Occupational therapist can provide a specialised work of prime importance at school by being a warm, receptive person who has an answer to most of the children's problems and show a real understanding of their issues. He could work with subnormal and severely subnormal children, children with brain damage, psychotic children, emotionally disturbed children and emotionally disturbed adolescents. He could imbibe development of play, manual dexterity, sensory perceptions and response to stimuli in his initial training. He can also help in developing abstract through process including concentration, observation, memorisation, using imagination, drawing conclusions and reasonable decision making, self-help and self-expression etc. He can conduct group treatment with psychotic children with facilities of a work or teaching area, a section for messy activities, a quiet room where a child could be given a much closer affection and he would need the understanding and help of school authoritie s. DISCUSSION Prelliwiz (2006) conducted a research on children and arrived at the conclusion that disabled children who are happy in home environment, do not perceive outside environment as friendly or accessible. Sometimes they feel marginalised, threatened; but in their own private environment, they felt secure. "In conclusion the results of this study underscore the challenges of ensuring that children with restricted mobility living in the parental home are able to have an accessible environment and to function independently in their homes. Ergonomic adaptations in the home should support these kinds of activities as the children's needs change with age and interests". This also means that the home atmosphere, to a very large extent, could be created in school too, where the disabled could have a private space and this would definitely increase the attraction of the school in their minds. Sensory integration is